While it may seem all hype, there’s a science behind the company brand anthems we do. What looks like all celebration and flair is the result of hours of creative problem-solving. The issue most large companies face is that there are often stakeholders from various backgrounds with different ideas of what their company stands for. With so many hands in the pot, it’s tricky to find out exactly what company message they want to share. This is where we come in. When a client needs help with corporate branding, there are three important ways we help figure out how they want to present to clients. We’re looking to answer the who, what, and why for each of our clients: who they are in their community; what they offer to their clients; and why they come back each day.
Our goal is to find that one thing that represents the common thread between every single service. We believe that this is how to identify what a brand’s identity, or who they are, is. Sometimes it’s serving a community, or leaving an area better than it was. Whatever that thread is, we’re looking for it. When we worked with CSRS, our goal was to figure out how to identify this company that offered so much to its clients. In other words, we sought to answer who was CSRS in their community. We asked questions about the ways the company evolved, what the journey to the present looked like and how they wanted to be remembered in their community. During client intake meetings, we use those types of questions to determine corporate identity. Once we’ve established an identity, it’s on to the what.
For clients with services as extensive as CSRS, the challenge is figuring out the what and how to communicate that to their customers. Part of their success was because they flexed to fit the needs of their clients; this means anything obstacle a client faced, the team at CSRS rose to the challenge. This is amazing, but now we have to figure how to highlight this in a 60- to 90-second video. One question we asked CSRS was if they could give their clients a “magic carpet ride” where would they go? It was that question and ones similar that helped us navigate a company as vast as CSRS. When narrowing down the Once the who and the what are acknowledged, it was time to determine the why.
When we meet with stakeholders, like founders, company presidents, and CEOs, we ask for their take on the company’s mission statement. There are often stories and lessons that contributed to creating that mission statement and we want to know them. We believe that a founder, or someone who has been with the company for years, can speak to the why behind a mission statement better than anyone else. This why is what drives the operation every day and is what will often connect with clients and keep them loyal for years to come.
When we sit down with clients to discuss who they are, our approach is to explore. We want to provide a fresh, outside perspective. Sure, a CEO knows the services the company provides, but what about the impact those services have on its clients? We’re bringing a sense of adventure and a spirit of exploration to the discovery and creative meetings because we wanted to find that thing that makes a company unique. If you’re not sure how to highlight exactly who your company is and what you do, reach out to us. We’ve got years of experience in strategy and corporate branding, so we’re ready to help.