In case you didn’t hear, we’re hiring producers at Launch Media to help us expand into some exciting new projects. That got us thinking about what qualities we’re really looking for and the characteristics that make someone a really valuable video producer.
1. Maintain a Positive Attitude
We’re not really promoting a “don’t worry, be happy” vibe, here. That’s a little too chill for our fast-paced environment, and a little bit of worry is healthy. But, you’ve got to have a positive attitude to work in production. It’s Murphy’s Law on set sometimes, and that means what can go wrong probably will. So, you’ve got to be able to bounce back from setbacks and keep the energy up for your crew and talent. If you allow yourself to become easily frustrated, then your production suffers. You don’t want to overlook solutions or rush the process because you let yourself fall prey to a bad mood.
2. Be Ready to Adapt
Flexibility is key. Things are going to go wrong. And, that’s okay. Your client will have a last minute request. Someone will get stuck in traffic. And, the lighting setup that worked just the day before is going to prove problematic with the midday sun. You have to be able to move with the ebbs and flows of the set. When you come to a problem ready to adapt, the solutions you need will present themselves. And, everyone will go home happy. Not to mention, your crew members will appreciate your effort.
3. Don’t Be Afraid to Take Some Initiative
In fact, it’s non-negotiable. To thrive in our production environment, you’ve got to be a self-starter. We are not about micro-management, we are about running forward together. You want to anticipate potential problems and think through each process before you arrive on set. A good rule of thumb is aim to be one step ahead of the DP or Director. This goes such a long way to a smooth production process. And, it shows your crew that you’re present and a valuable asset.
4. Be a Team Player
If you didn’t like group projects in school, then production is not for you. It’s vital that you work well within a team. You will constantly be thrown into a mix of contrasting (and sometimes conflicting) personalities. It’s the nature of video production that you will work with contractors, often. Understanding how people work best, whose skill set they complement, and what makes them tick will go a long way to creating a positive, creative environment. It is your job to develop productive relationships from set to set.
5. Always Be Learning
Never assume you know it all. The day you stop asking questions is the day lose your competitive edge. Everyone has different experiences, and everyone brings something valuable to set. You don’t want to be always asking questions, of course, but a day on set means a learning opportunity. There is a lot to be gained from observing those more experienced than you. And, there are always ways to improve if you’re willing to take correction, incorporate it into your practice, and hustle onto to the next project.