Personally, we love this particular time change. Longer evenings and subdued mornings make for a summer feeling. But, time change disrupts our routine and leaves our energy waning. As creatives, we can’t allow that, so here’s five tips we use to increase our creative energy.
Establish Quiet Time
As adults, we seem to think we no longer need quiet time. We make sure our children are getting it because it’s important for creative play. So, we know it’s important for our mental health and creative energy, yet we act like we can power through and be the exception to the rule.
We live in such a noisy, distracting world. Emails ping at all hours. Children demand attention. Friends and family want to meet up for this celebration or that gathering. We pride ourselves on being #busy.
We know it’s difficult to establish quiet time for ourselves because it seems like we’re not being productive. We can’t possibly just sit for 10-15 minutes and do NOTHING.
But, establishing quiet time allows you to rest and reset your energy. For creatives, it’s vital. Quiet time allows you to recenter your focus and play with new ideas.
So, whether you want to use your quiet time for prayer, meditation, or just plain ole reflection, everyone can benefit from taking a moment to sit with their thoughts. Without distractions.
Decrease Screen Time
Put your phone down!
Well, at least put it down sometimes. The smartphone gives us access to a world of knowledge. We get to be inspired by millions of makers and creators whenever we scroll. And, that’s so good for inspiration.
But, it also never gives us a chance to actually delve into our own creative leanings. After all, you can’t figure out your own vision if you’re always consuming someone else’s.
Decrease your screen time when you can, especially before bed, and let your brain reset. Your creative energy will thank you in the morning.
Help Someone Else
Helping others is always an easy tip to throw into the mix, but when you’re in a creative rut, it’s a mutually beneficial act. Dare we say, selfish!
Giving of your time to help someone else with their work is a great way to increase your creative energy. When you invest in someone else’s pursuits, your focus moves away from personal frustration. You’re thinking through someone else’s problems and looking at different situations.
When you devote your energy to helping others, you engage in creative problem solving. You find new perspectives. And, it’s just energizing to help other people.
Let the process inspire you, realize the gifts you have, and rethink how you can apply them to your own project.
Look At Old Work
We’re our own worst critics, aren’t we?
Looking at past work is a rewarding experience. We see a job well done, and we can see how much we’ve grown. There’s a nostalgia there that is both encouraging and energizing.
And, if you sit with your old work for a little bit longer, the inner-critic comes out to play. There’s suddenly one-hundred things you would do differently now.
The key is to avoid becoming bogged down by what you can’t change then and to realize what you now have the potential to do with new projects. Look how far you’ve come! Take all of that desire to tweak old work and dive into your current projects with a renewed perspective.
Observe Your Surroundings
As we said, we spend so much time looking at our screens. While that is not inherently a bad thing (after all we can learn a lot from our screens), we do sometimes miss the beauty and inspiration around us.
Take a walk. Taste your food. Sit in your garden and watch the bees. And, just let yourself observe the beauty in nature, in your home and workplace.
Watch people interact with each other. Make sure to really listen when other people talk.
You’ll find yourself feeling inspired and refreshed.
Bonus Tip: Eat.
If all that fails, you’re probably just hangry. Skipping meals is no joke, and it makes people no fun to be around.
Creative energy requires fuel just like the rest of your tasks do. So, take a lunch break. Your work will thank you later.