
Develop Your Video Message: 5 Tips From Launch Media

March 3, 2020

At Launch Media, our typical creative process begins with a discovery meeting. We’ll come to meet with you and your stakeholders to discuss what kind of video you want. We talk overall vision and budget, and then we start digging into your creative message. 

But, sometimes that’s more complicated than you think. When you’ve got a lot of ground to cover, it’s a challenge to create a message that’s all encompassing, yet nuanced. 

Here’s 5 tips to help you develop your video message. 

Do your research

Preparation goes a long way in the creative process. It’s important to read up on the subject, whether that means doing company research or industry research. Watch existing footage and brainstorm ways to improve it. Acquaint yourself with company speak. Everyone has a different voice, and maintaining that unique voice in a video reinforces a sense of brand authenticity. 

So, don’t go in blind (though there are some exceptions for when that is better). When dealing with the prospect of a large scale creative message, it’s best to prepare, prepare, prepare. 

Sherlock Holmes says do your research

Find your stakeholders

When you have to distill a large scale message, the people behind the scenes at the company giving voice to it matter. Knowing who they are and how to reach them is vital. Sometimes that means one or two people from marketing, and sometimes that means a committee, a VP, a CEO and a couple of interns thrown in for good measure. 

No matter how many stakeholders there are on a project, it’s vital to LISTEN. And, then listen some more. Ask questions. Ask for clarifications. Interview people on multiple levels to get a variety of expertise. Talk to them face to face, either in person or via video conference. Facial expression is so important, especially when there are existing language barriers. 

Will Smith winks

Bring in a subject matter expert

Sometimes you are not the best person to approach the beginning of a topic. As creatives, we have perspective on a particular thing. We know how to tell a compelling story and how to portray that in a visually impactful way.

However, sometimes, we are dealing with a video that has to present industry topics in a specific way. Even when we spend time learning about a topic, a subject matter expert will always have the best perspective on how to explain a high level concept and speak the industry vernacular. 

I can do absolutely anything I'm an expert gif

Do a Creative Brief

A creative brief is a short document, typically 1-3 pages, that outlines a creative idea. Though this concept is hardly limited to video projects, it will certainly help you with video projects. 

A good creative brief outlines the direction and goals of a project, typically used in marketing or advertising. It’s a foundational document, and it serves as both a vision piece and a reference document for you and your creative team. 

You can download a free template here

A creative brief is super important ESPECIALLY when dealing with large scale projects where lots of people are involved. It allows everyone to get on the same page and stay there. Sometimes the original intention of a project shifts. Though it’s invigorating to see an idea evolve, it’s enormously beneficial to have that creative brief as a reference document. 

cat typing on the laptop gif

Don’t be afraid to try something weird

The best idea doesn’t always happen on the first try. Creativity takes work, and even when you do think of a great angle right away, it can usually be improved. 

Sometimes we get so caught up in the enormity of a thing, we can miss the forest for the trees. So, it’s important to brainstorm. Try lots of things out. Throw ideas up on a whiteboard. Let the process unfold throughout. Share your best ideas with your client and get feedback to perfect them. 

Let's get weird

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